Capital asset pricing model (CAPM):Model of the relationship between systematic risk and expected return. It is a widely used basis for valuing financial assets. Capital expenditure(capex):Cash outflows associated with a long term investment or capital budgeting projects. Cash flow:Total dollar amount of funds available for the firm to put to productive uses. Cash flow per share (CFPS): Cash flow from operations after taxes / Common shares outstanding Change:The difference between the last trade price and the previous close price of a stock. Charts:Technical analysis uses four types of charts: 1) Line chart: only the closing price is plotted for each successive day. 2) Bar chart: the days range is represented by a vertical bar showing the open high low and closing prices. Confirmation:Having as many market factors as possible agreeing with one another. For example if prices and volume are rising together volume is confirming the price action. Contribution margin:Used to denote the dollar amount that each unit sold will contribute in meeting fixed costs. Credit Ratios:Credit Ratios reflect the liquidity position of the company. |