
For informed investment choices
  • Market Timing

    Stock markets are often driven by a herd instinct, with investors stampeding in or out at the same time. We use macro-economic forecasting, technical analysis and early market intelligence to forecast market trends. Taurus' research products  provide you with the tools to anticipate market trends well in advance, so you can stay ahead of the herd. 

  • Stock Selection

    Along with market timing, stock selection is a key part of the investment process. Taurus' proprietary research helps you locate hidden stock values that the rest of the market has overlooked. This is achieved through incisive and original fundamental analysis of individual sectors and companies. Our highly rated research team provides you with in-depth coverage of all the major sectors and stocks, enabling you to make informed investment choices.

  • Timely Research Publications

    We regularly update our clients on macroeconomic, stock market and sector trends through our daily briefings and other periodical research publications. Clients are also provided with timely recommendations on individual stock prospects. Our research advice is based on a continuous and detailed evaluation of economic indicators, industry and company specific information.

    Quality research underpins all of Taurus' principal activities. Our research advice is available to all our clients at no extra cost.

    For an interactive guide to our reports "what the terms mean and how to use them", click on the links to the left and simply navigate the cursor over the terms used in the report for a pop up definition.


      As required under section 5(4) of research and analyst regulations 2015 the salary and reporting structure of research department employees is disclosed as follows.

      At present, Company employs seven members in its research department (including head of research and senior manager). All members report to head of research who in turns report to CEO.

      Compensation structure of research analysts is flat and is subject to qualification, experience and skill set of the person. However, the compensation of anyone employed in the research department doesnot in any way depend on the contents/outcome of research report.

      During the year ended December 31, 2017, the personnel employed in the Research Department have drawn an aggregate salary and benefits amounting to Rs. 9,330,000, which comprises basic salary, medical allowance, utilities, house rent and other facilities as per Company policy